Go Healthy is a 12-week lifestyle change program. It is designed to partner with and support participants on their journeys to modify, develop and maintain life-long healthy behaviors. These include the fundamentals of wellbeing: awareness/mindfulness, nutrition, and physical activity.

 Developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a coachable skill. Success is achieved through accredited knowledge of the fundamentals, accessibility to educational resources, ability to listen and support client’s goals, practice, and experience.

Techniques used in the program to facilitate lasting behavior change include developing SMART goals, problem solving skills and self-monitoring skills. By working with the participant to identify their vision and value, the program can support participants in making actionable goals to achieve a healthy lifestyle. The program is not prescriptive but rather participant driven on what matters most to the participant.

The focus is on weight loss and supports the development of healthy habits for weight loss, maintenance, and health management. The goal is to motivate and encourage participants to create and maintain healthy lifestyle behaviors in the realm of nutrition and physical activity. The benefits of losing and maintaining a healthy weight are improved blood pressure, lower cholesterol, less risk of heart disease and diabetes, along with many other medical conditions.

Coach's Guide


Coaching Guidelines

Weight management is a coachable skill, like other behavioral skills like smoking cessation, stress management, learning to play the piano, or gaining expertise at a job. Success is supported through support, knowledge, access to the right tools, time to practice and finally experience.

We begin with the assumption that all participants are ready to act toward improving their health. At the same time, participant readiness and motivation to tackle each of the specific components of the program will vary, both among participants and over time. At some point in the program, even the most enthusiastic participant will experience motivational plateaus.

A coach’s role is to keep working with the ongoing (and fluctuating) likelihood that each participant is willing to adhere to the recommended specific behavior change strategies to reach the program goal of a loss of 5%. You will need to cultivate a clear sense of purpose, high standards and a respect for the various responses you will encounter from participants.

Facilitation Skill

Coaching and Facilitation Skill

Health coaching philosophy is a holistic one—blending mind, body, and spiritual care components with evidence-based protocols to guide individuals to make lifestyle and behavioral changes that will improve their health status and overall wellbeing. Health coaching goes beyond traditional case management and disease management processes. The goal is to engage individuals differently than has been done in the past. Participants are given tools to help them be successful coupled with motivational interviewing.

Health Coaching is a style of engaging individuals that guides rather than directs the agenda and taps into one’s personal motivation to change unhealthy habits.

Motivational interviewing elicits behavior changes by helping members engage a positive outlook for the future and considers what goals can be achieved. A partnership is developed between the member, the provider and health coach to engage the member on the journey to better health.

Motivational interviewing requires understanding the importance of the member’s self-worth and the member’s perception of the reality of their health and wellness state.

Each member may have different “potentials” such as running their first 5K race, learning to depend less on food as a stress reliever, maintaining a healthy blood pressure through diet and exercise, etc. It is the health coach’s role to accept the member where they are and assist them to achieve their set goals that start with the idea of changing behavior.

Program Guidelines

Program Guidelines

Go Healthy is a structured program designed to support the participant in taking small steps to making changes. The first step is to gauge readiness for change with the participant and work with the participant to identify a vision and values. Personal motivators help determine if participants are ready to do the work necessary to lose weight or continue to work to keep weight off. Motivation will help to guide and maintain healthy behavior change.

The associated weekly handouts are a guide for the journey. The program starts out with an introduction to awareness. This is a necessary skill to support the participant in tracking, accountability and developing healthy behaviors. The program then moves into the development of healthy habits around nutrition, movement and finally addressing the emotional aspects of change. The handouts are a guide for the participant to make decisions based on their vision and value.



  • Modify diet (slowly begin crowding out unhealthy foods)
  • Begin or increase activity/movement (add enjoyable activities building up to 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week)
  • Lose 5% of starting body weight



Be aware of choices and habits
Participants will:

  • Develop their own vision and why
  • Learn the skill of goal setting
  • Practice the skill of tracking
  • Understand skills to problem solve and overcome barriers

Make smart food choices
Participants will:

  • Learn the concept of “crowding out.”
  • Understand the importance and learn techniques of portion control
  • Discover healthier food options

Start moving!
Participants will:

  • Broaden concept of activity/movement
  • Engage in more physical activity/movement
  • Broaden concept of activity/movement

Class Format

Class Format

Although the content differs from session to session, many common threads run through each session of the core curriculum. This section shows coaches how to prepare for sessions and how to use the Facilitation Guide.

The sessions have been scripted for a 30–45-minute session. The scripts can be easily adapted for a longer session. Particularly for an on-site class, a longer session would allow time for people to arrive and provide more opportunity for discussion.

  • In-person group classes typically last for 45 – 60 minutes
  • 1:1 sessions are approximately 25-45 minutes

Materials needed for each session

  • Participant handouts for the relevant session. 
  • Food and Activity Trackers (one per participant).
    • Blank trackers for the week following the session
    • Reviewed trackers from the previous session to return to participants
  • Blackboard, whiteboard, or flip chart and the appropriate writing utensils
  • Laptop

Additional recommendations for some sessions

  • Food models to demonstrate portion size and fat content
  • Empty food packages showing nutrition information
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Restaurant menus
  • Arrange guests (Personal Trainer, nutritionist, PT or PCP)

Tasks to be done as participants arrive

  • Give each participant a set of handouts to insert into the Participant Notebook if using paper
  • Gather tracking forms as participants enter and return any tracker

Task to be completed during the session

  • Discuss successes and challenges
  • Review previous session
  • Introduce weekly topic and facilitate discussion
  • Review assignments and facilitate discussion on personal goals for the upcoming week

Tasks to be done after each session:  

  • Review each participant’s “Food and Activity Tracker.” Comment on successes and, when necessary, recommend changes
  • Enter data into the designated protocol

Program Set Up

Program Set up

Prior to the first class review the Circle of Life and have participants complete Vision and Values (Appendix A). This can be done 1:1 or in a session 0.

Walk participants through account creation in the inHealth mobile app and review tracking options in the app and portal.

Contact inHealth to set up Wufoo form for each coach teaching the class 2 weeks prior to start date.

  • Provide participants with the Wufoo link to complete Appendix A – Mission & Values/Circle of Life/Action items prior to first session.

Print out the Participant Guide if utilizing paper program guides to participants

Computer, internet access and screen if will be using digital file during class

Participant's Introduction

It is important to build rosters and recruit participants for classes. Session 0 is important in engaging with participants and answers questions about Go Healthy and why should participants care.

Review the Circle of Life (Circle of Life explained) with participants. Have them to complete the exercise and complete the SMART goal tracker.



What is Go Healthy?

What are the benefits of Go Healthy and why should participants care?

What are the benefits?

What to expect?

  • Tracking
  • Accountability

Participant expectations

  • Arrive on time prepared
  • Attend X amount of in person classes and schedule any makeups

Coach's Resources

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.
~Carl Rogers

Motivational interviewing strategies do not ask IF the client is motivated, but WHAT motivates him or her.

The goal is to encourage participants to become an active participant in the change process by invoking change from within. Evoking change from within is very different from advice giving and empowers the participant to make choices and changes that are sustainable.

Motivational interviewing aims to encourage the participant’s autonomy in decision making where the coach acts as a guide not an expert, clarifying the participants strengths and goals, listening to their concerns, boosting their confidence in their ability to change, and eventually collaborating with them on a plan for change.

4 Phases of Motivational Interviewing


  •  Relationship building.
  • Goals – Relationship, comfort, safety, and empathy


  • What process? Finding clear direction and goal.
  • Goals – Exploring the target behavior – Targeting behavior – Clarifying the target behavior – Exploring ambivalence – Exploring barriers – Developing discrepancy


  • Why process? It is better if it is their goal and not yours. Purpose is to evoke a person’s own internal motivation for change.


  • How to process? Work toward resolving ambivalence and choosing to change. Work toward goal setting and developing a specific plan

Roles/ Responsibilities

Coach Roles and Responsibilities
Intervention Strategies

  • Open – Ended Questions (allow participant to engage their own ideas)
  • Reflective Listening
  • Identify motivational statements from member
    • “I don’t know what to do, but something has to change”
    • “I guess this has been affecting me more than I realize”

Other Strategies and Goals

  • Avoid alienating or lecturing
  • Set attainable goals; may need to set short term goals with an aim to reach longer term goals
  • Utilize the member’s own ideas and resources for change
  • Determine confidence in ability to make appropriate behavior changes, as well as importance to member
  • Use typical day strategy
  • If the problem is important, provide the education necessary for support
  • If the problem is confidence, discuss solutions
  • Be flexible and non- judgmental
  • Listen for member’s understanding of information

Listening is also an essential component to effective communication. Here are some common barriers to effective listening

  • We think faster than a speaker can talk and jump to conclusions
  • We are distracted and we begin to do other things
  • We lose patience and decide we are uninterested
  • We react emotionally to what is being said
  • We interrupt

Building Relationships

How to build the relationship?

Express and show empathy

  • Acceptance facilitates change
  • Skillful reflective listening is fundamental to expressing empathy
  • Ambivalence is normal
  • Use genuine and specific affirmation and empathy (It sounds like you have not been able to reach your vegetable goal. You must be feeling frustrated. OR You are doing a great job with tracking.)

Develop Awareness

  • Developing awareness of consequences helps clients examine their behavior.
  • What’s at stake?
  • A discrepancy between present behavior and important goals motivates change.
  • Amplify the discrepancy between important personal goals and current behavior.
    • “It sounds like you are working very hard to increase your activity, yet it has been a challenge to reach your weekly goal.”

Roll with resistance

  • Ambivalence is normal and part of the change process
  • Avoid arguing and labeling
    • “Let’s discuss where you are with program goals. Are you satisfied with your success? What needs to happen to reach your goals.”

Support Self Efficacy

  • Belief in the possibility of change is an important motivator.
  • The participant is responsible for choosing and carrying out personal change.
  • Support, encourage and congratulate.
  • Build optimism

Developing Autonomy

  • Listen as participants develop a list of action steps

Interviewing Skills

Interviewing Skills

The techniques of motivational interviewing, allows coaches to support clients in ways to successfully implement behavior changes by addressing a client’s willingness and ability to change; addressing self-confidence and other emotional triggers that affect change and support the client’s ability to embrace and sustain positive change.”

Motivational Interviewing is a collaboration

Be curious…Be open

Motivational interviewing requires four key communication skills that support and strengthen the process of eliciting change talk, also known as OARS

  • Open-ended questions
    • HOW and WHAT questions: How do you see…? What is important?
    • Useful in the process of determining participants’ motivation for change
    • Important in building a collaborative relationship
    • Allows coaches to find out more of the participants’ perspectives and ideas about change
      • Tell me about a time you made changes in your life. How did you do it?
      • What personal strengths do you have that would help you succeed?
      • Imagine you decided to change, what about you would enable you to do it?
      • What encourages and inspires you?
      • Who could offer you support in making this change?


  • Recognizing and commenting on participant strengths and abilities
    • “Sounds like this is really challenging. No wonder you feel overwhelmed.”

Reflective Listening

  • Repeating what the participant has said in a statement rather than a question, encourages the participant to continue talking
  • Builds engagement and allows the coach to clarify what the participant is saying both for the purpose of understanding correctly but also to reflect to the participant so they can hear what they are saying and can either pause to reflect or choose to move forward
    • “What I hear you say?”
  • Helps the participant consider a change


  • Used for further collection of reflections, allowing the coach and the participant to identify the core ideas of the participant’s story
  • Participants hear themselves talking about change

Giving Advice

Giving Information and Advice

Motivational Interviewing is sometimes thought to be incompatible with advice; it isn’t. But the spirit in which it is given has to be right. Before you give advice check that you have:

  • elicited the participants’ views on the subject – What has the participant tried or what have they thought of trying.
  • consider the impact of what you are going to say on their motivation for change. – The best time to give advice is when the participant asks for it. If this doesn’t happen, ask for permission to give it; or offer it in a way that acknowledges the participant’s right not to take the advice.  This can be done by saying “This may or may not work for you, but this is something that others in your situation have done…”  “I have an idea here that may or may not be relevant. Do you want to hear it?”  “I don’t know whether this will matter to you, or even make sense, but I have a worry about your plan. Can I tell you about it?” – Always make sure to check in with the participant before, during and after giving advice or suggestions.

It is often helpful to offer a participant a menu of options. This can help avoid ‘yes but’ conversations. When people have the opportunity to choose from several alternatives, they are sometimes more likely to adhere to a plan and succeed.

Stages of Change

Group Facilitation Skills

Group Facilitation Skills

What is a successful group?

A gathering of 3 or more people who work independently but depend on each other to reach a common goal. Each participant needs to feel that he/she is able to affect the others to some degree. Success groups are people working together to share ideas and support each other. The advantage of the group is that it allows participants to interact with others who have common problems and solutions.

Skills of an effective group facilitator

  • Creates a safe and comfortable environment
  • Encourages participants to share ideas
  • Involves all participants in the discussion
  • Builds on participant knowledge (Uses the group to problem solve)
  • Is not an expert
  • Does not “lecture”
  • Goal oriented

A facilitator introduces a topic and guides the discussion but allows the participants to brainstorm and “learn by doing”. Following the discussion, the facilitator is able to summarize the ideas and content shared.

Building Rapport

A facilitator can build rapport with participants through the following principles

  • Value each participant
  • View participants as capable
  • Express warmth and friendliness in verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Provide support and encouragement
  • Open to sharing on personal experiences

Listening and Attending

General guidelines for successful group facilitation

  • Be alert to non-verbal cues
  • Encourage participants both verbally and non-verbally
  • Ask open ended questions
  • Paraphrase
  • Summarize
  • Involve all participants

Handling Challenging Participants

  • The Monopolizer
    • Constantly attempts to be the start attraction and can create some group hostility toward the monopolizer
  • The Scapegoat
    • The group may target one participant who seems non-threatening
  • The Nontalker
    • Some participants may not want to share, and it is possible that this has been conditioned over several years.
  • The Hostile Person
    • Hostility can be directed at the facilitator or another group member
  • The Crepehanger
    • This participant friends the negative side of any situation
  • The Digresser
    • Many participants tend to go off on tangents and become sidetracked from the main subject.
  • The Mythologist
    • Many participants believe in “misinformation” about nutrition and health and will bring this information to the group as fact.

Weekly Courses

Introduction/ Awareness

Week 1 – Introduction and Awareness

Skill – Awareness/Mindfulness, record keeping skill, and self-monitoring

Objective – Learn the fundamentals for a healthy life, how to set a SMART Goal, and tracking


  • Trackers

Sections to cover

  • What is Go Healthy and program goals
  • Fundamentals
  • Support tools
  • Tracking expectations
  • Class expectations
  • Setting SMART Goal


Participant Guide

Go Healthy is a lifestyle approach that focuses on developing sustainable healthy habits. You will develop a SMART Goal and set weekly action steps toward your goal by using the three fundamentals: awareness, smart food choices, and activity/movement.

Go Healthy Goals

  • Modify your diet by slowly crowding out unhealthy foods
  • Begin or increase activity/movement; add enjoyable activities, building up to 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week
  • Lose at least 5% of initial body weight

Fundamentals for a Healthy Life

  • Awareness/Mindfulness
  • SMART Food Choices
  • Activity/Movement

Support Tools

Getting started!

This week, you will learn about awareness and self-monitoring. You will also discover how these cognitive strategies can affect your choices.

Fundamental 1 – Awareness and self-monitoring

Being aware of the difference between hunger and satiety is important to maintaining a healthy body weight and losing weight. Understanding how food makes us feel helps us to make better choices. Hunger prompts us to consume food, while satiety is the sensation of feeling full. Eating with awareness will help you savor the flavor of foods and drive you to eat less.

Mindful eating is a strategy we can use to build healthier eating habits. When we eat mindfully, we’re more aware of our bodies, emotions, and the flavors and textures of food. Even if we are not aiming for weight loss, mindful eating helps us to maintain a healthy weight.

What is required?

  1. Be present and aware of what you are putting into your body. Go back to the reason why you are here. What is your vision of a happy, healthier you? Why is this important to you?
  2. Weigh yourself. You will need a body weight scale that you can use several times a week. Weigh yourself using the same scale throughout the program. It is best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning before starting your day. Record your weight exactly as you see it, including decimal points. Use the SMART Tracker to guide your motivation in reaching your goal.
  3. Practice self-monitoring. You will be required to track your progress throughout the program. Monitor your weight, food intake, and activity daily.
  4. Set a SMART Goal and action steps to follow. This goal should be specific,
    measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Accountability and goals are an
    an important part of creating a sustainable lifestyle change.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: Have the participants start thinking about change?

In order to lose weight, you must lower calories. You do this by eating less food calories and burning more calories from physical activity. When you do both, you get the best results. Counting calories can be tedious and is often very inaccurate. An easier way to reduce calories is to focus directly on the behaviors of diet and exercise using the fundamentals of Go Healthy.

Emotions can drive us to be “hungry” when we are not. Bring this back to awareness.


  • Gradually clean out your home and work areas. Begin by removing high-calorie foods.
  • Stock up on foods from the “Any Time” and “Portion Controlled” columns.
    • See green and yellow columns on Guide to SMART Food Choices.
  • Eat lots of “green” foods, smaller amounts of “yellow” foods, and limited amounts of “red” foods.
    • See green and yellow columns on Guide to SMART Food Choices.

SMART Food Guide

Week 2- Smart food guide and vegetables

Skill – Eating low-calorie foods

Objective – Understand the Guide to SMART Food Choices


  • Trackers

Sections to cover

  • Fundamental 2 – Smart Food Choices
  • Tracking begins this week and benefits to tracking
  • Review Veggie and Fruits suggestions in Smart Food Choices
  • Review tracking options


Participant Guide

Fundamental 2 – SMART Food Choices

  • Eat fresh, frozen or canned vegetables and fruits as close to natural form as possible – without added sauces, cheese or sugar. Choose lower-sodium canned veggies.
  • Make your servings count. Juice and dried fruit are not low-calorie and do not count toward your goal of 5 servings per day.
  • Starchy vegetables ARE vegetables.
  • Vary your veggies and fruits. Eat different colors each day for better nutrition. 
  • Plan some meals around a vegetable main dish: beans, stir-fry, salad, or soup are great choices. 
  • Add chopped veggies to pasta sauce, lasagna, meatloaf, casseroles, rice, or pasta. This is a great way to lower calories and save money.
  • Keep a bowl of fruit on the counter and cut up veggies in the fridge as a “grab & go” snack. Be a role model! Set a good example for children by eating vegetables and fruit at meals and snacks.
  • Develop a 1-2-2 pattern. Eat 1 serving at breakfast, 2 servings at lunch and 2 servings at dinner. 
  • Choose restaurants that serve vegetables and fruit. If you don’t see them on the menu, ask for them. Order double portions of salads and cooked vegetables. Don’t forget the baked potatoes!

Can I afford to eat more vegetables and fruits?

Compare the cost of vegetables and fruits (per pound) to the other foods you purchase. If you buy more veggies and fruit and less meat and junk food, you will save money and lose weight.

Low-Calorie Condiments. Add flavor without loading up on calories!

  • Choose condiments containing 20 calories per tablespoon or less.
  • Choose fat-free or low-fat condiments.
  • Use dry seasoning, low-sodium blends, or powders (garlic powder, onion powder).
  • Suggestions for baked potato toppings: Spicy mustard, ketchup, sour cream, fat-free salad dressing, barbecue sauce, low-sodium seasoning blends, butter-flavored sprinkles, salsa, or cocktail sauce.
  • Combine sugar-free orange marmalade with low-sodium soy sauce. Microwave for 30 seconds to create a wonderful sauce for vegetables.
  • Glaze cooked carrots or a baked sweet potato with sugar-free orange marmalade or sugar-free maple syrup.
  • Cook vegetables in low-sodium bouillon or water seasoned with a few drops of liquid crab boil seasoning.
  • Liquid smoke seasoning (a few drops only) provides a smoky taste to beans and greens.
  • Add chili seasoning mix to a combination of corn, sautéed onions, and pinto beans.
  • Use fat-free dressings to marinate raw or cooked, chilled vegetables.
  • Mix fat-free mayonnaise with spicy mustard, horseradish, or salsa. Use for potatoes, salad, or raw veggie dip. 
  • Flavor fat-free sour cream with any powdered seasoning blend to create a dip or a creamy sauce. 
  • Use cooking spray to sauté vegetables. Add small amounts of water as necessary to keep veggies from sticking as you sauté.
  • Fresh herbs add flavor without salt. Parsley, basil, and cilantro are easy to grow at home. Snip what you need right off the plant as you are cooking. Freeze extras to use later. 
  • Low-sodium tomato soup or vegetable juice cocktail is the base for easy vegetable soup. Add frozen mixed vegetables or a bag of shredded cabbage. 
  • Top cooked spaghetti squash with tomato sauce seasoned with Italian seasoning and garlic powder. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Use instead of pasta.
  • Spray vegetables lightly with liquid spray margarine or a light spray of olive oil once you plate them. You will add fewer calories than if you add the butter or oil to the cooking dish.

Why track your food consumption?

The goal of tracking is to increase your awareness of the types of food you are choosing to eat.  Studies show that consistent tracking helps to hold you accountable for your daily choices, allows you to see your progress, and keeps you motivated. In addition, tracking helps you see the difference between what you “think you consumed” versus what you actually consumed.

Ways to track

Including tracking as part of your daily schedule helps to create a habit. You may choose to keep a journal, digital tracker on the mobile app, or use a tracking guide linked below. 


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: Turn to the Guide to Smart Food Choices. To lose weight, you must eat fewer calories. Notice the 3 columns – Any time foods (green), Portion controlled foods (yellow), and Occasional foods (red).

  • Green – Any time Foods are 15-25 calories per ounce
    • These are weight loss foods because they contain lots of water and fiber. This also makes them very filling. Eat more of these foods and your day will be low calorie. Portion control is not necessary
  • Yellow – Portion Controlled Foods are 50-75 calories per ounce
    • Calories are climbing because of higher fat and less water and fiber. These foods need portion control to lower calories. See Appendix A for sample calorie plans (optional).
  • Red – Occasional Foods are 100+ calories per ounce
    • These foods are high fat and sugar. They are not filling. Limit or eliminate these foods. Even small amounts will cost hundreds of calories!


  • Track your food intake:


  • Record everything you eat and drink. At the end of the day, review your tracker. On the SMART Tracker, place a check in the column that corresponds with your food choice (green, yellow, or red).

Note: For weight loss, the goal is to eat lots of “green” choices. Aim for a minimum of five fruits and vegetables a day. Eat fewer “yellow” choices, and little to no “red” choices.

MyPlate/Portion Control

Week 3 – My Plate and portion control

Skill – Use portion control strategies to reduce calories at meals and snacks

Objective – Understand portion control using MyPlate


  • Trackers

 Sections to cover

  • Portion Control


  • My Plate

Participant Guide

Protein (1/4 plate) 

Start lean. Remove poultry skin, choose red meat with little fat, and trim visible fat before cooking. Avoid sausage and bacon. Choose ground beef with at least 90% lean. 

Keep it lean. Bake, broil, or grill. Avoid fried or breaded choices. Prepare beans and vegetables without added meat. Try to include at least 8 ounces of fish every week. Use beans as a protein source one time per week. 

Grains (1/4 of the plate)

What counts as a serving? 1 slice of bread, 1 cup of cereal, 1/2 cup pasta, rice, or cooked cereal, 3 cups popcorn 

Choose whole grains such as whole-wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, oatmeal, whole-wheat flour as a baking ingredient, whole-grain ready-to-eat cereals and popcorn.

Keep it low fat. Reduce servings of cheese, cream sauce, butter, and gravy



  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal


Spend some time talking with participants about successes and barriers to tracking. They will have completed their first week of tracking. It is important that participants establish this habit early and work to overcome any barriers.

Vegetables & Fruit are a fundamental. The goal is to eat a minimum of 5 servings per day.

Veggies & Fruit are “Any time” foods. Planning to eat more veg/fruit will increase the frequency of low-calorie foods and help to fill you up. It’s important to focus on volume with this tool. The goal is to eat enough veg/fruit at one time to crowd out other higher calorie foods. You must eat until you are full.

What’s a serving? 1 cup raw or cooked, 1 hand-size piece, 2 full cups salad greens

Your materials contain many ideas for eating at least 5 servings per day. Here are a few:

  • Fill half your plate with veggies / fruit every meal.
  • Choose fresh, frozen, or canned as close to natural form as possible.
  • Include starchy veggies like potatoes to help you feel full.
  • Keep condiments low calorie, less than 20 calories per tablespoon.
  • Try a variety of veg/fruit.  Revisit some you have not tried recently.

The icon you see is the MyPlate strategy. Notice, half of the plate space is taken up in veggies and/or fruit, ¼ of the plate space is for protein, and ¼ of the plate space is for grains. If you are not already filling half your plate with veggies or fruit, you need to make this happen. Veggies /fruit take away plate space of other foods and lower calories while helping you to feel full.

Protein – If you choose to use protein at a meal, limit it to ¼ of the plate or the size of the palm of your hand. You don’t need protein at every meal, but if you choose to eat it, you need to use portion control. Your daily intake of protein should not exceed 4-6 ounces. The exception is protein sources listed in the “Any Time” column of the Guide to Smart Food Choices. The list of protein choices in the booklet generally come from the “yellow” column of the Guide and so require portion control. Start with lean sources and keep it lean by baking, grilling, or broiling.

Grains – If you choose to use grains at a meal, limit the portion to ¼ of the plate or the size of your fist (about 1 cup). Again, we typically require only 4-5 servings per day (note serving size; 1 cup = 2 servings). The list of recommended choices, with the exception of fat free popcorn, are classified as “yellow” foods on the Guide to Smart Food choices and therefore require portion control to manage calories.

Dairy – If you choose to use dairy, portion size is 1 cup with a limit of 2 per day. If you don’t use dairy, consider taking 1 calcium supplement per day.

In summary, the MyPlate strategy gives you a guide on how to portion out the food that you choose to eat. Lots of veggies or fruit and smaller portions of protein and grains.

Other examples of plate strategy:  breakfast ideas on page    .

Sandwich Meal: 2 slices of bread (grain), lean turkey (protein), fruit, veggies, or veg. soup

Bowl of cereal: Start with 1 cup of fruit, add 1 cup of cereal (grain), add 1 cup milk (protein/dairy)

Entrees – Easy way to build MyPlate. The entrée becomes the protein and grain portions of the plate. Add vegetables or fruit to the other half of the plate. Entrees are very convenient for workdays. Combine with raw veggies, salad, or fruit for an easy meal. Breakfast entrees are also available.


Use the portion control guide and SMART Food Choices to measure your daily consumption. How many “red”, “yellow” and “green” foods are you consuming?

Continue to track your food and drink intake:

Calorie Density

Week 4- Calorie Density: Eat more, weigh less

Skill – Understand how to balance calories

Objective – Use the concept of calorie density to make food choices that are personally satisfying and aid in weight management.


  • Trackers

Sections to cover


Participant Guide

For successful weight management, there is no dispute that calories count. But, as humans, we tend to eat until we “feel” full. The feeling of fullness, not the calorie level, is the signal that allows us to stop eating. Since we cannot “feel” calories, successful weight managers use the concept of calorie density. Calorie density is the measurement of calories per bite.

Low calorie density foods are 15 to 25 calories per bite. These foods contain water and fiber that lower calories while increasing the weight of the food. When you eat your “normal amount” of food, the calories are relatively low. Examples of these foods are found in the Guide to SMART Food Choices in the “Anytime Foods” (green column). Water-based soups are also a low-calorie density choice.

High-calorie density foods are 100 to 200 calories per bite. These foods are typically dry foods containing fat and sugar which increase calories without added weight. By the time you feel full, you may have eaten hundreds of calories in just one food. Examples of these foods are found in the Guide to SMART Food Choices in the “Occasional Foods” (red column).

Strategies for lowering calorie density (Getting full by eating fewer calories)

  • Add vegetables to pasta or rice to increase volume and lower calories.
  • Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Choose fresh fruit instead of dried fruit.
  • Eat cooked cereal such as oatmeal or grits instead of dry cereal. Add fruit for even fewer calories.
  • Eat raw vegetables instead of veggie chips.
  • Eat 94% fat-free microwave popcorn instead of other salty snacks like pretzels or baked chips.
  • Read labels to make the connection between calories and food volume (1 oz. = 30 grams).

The Buffet Principle

When we are faced with lots of food variety and large quantities of food, the normal signal that tells us to stop eating does not work as well. Here are a few tips to avoid this trap.

  • Order off the menu and skip the buffet. Even better, don’t go to a restaurant that offers a buffet. It’s a set-up for failure.
  • At home, serve the meal from the stove instead of family style at the table (except for veggies). Men eat 29% more calories if food is on the table. Women eat 10% more if food is on the table.
  • Avoid buying in bulk or “family pack” items – except for veggies and fruit. Be especially careful about buying high-calorie dense foods in bulk like cold cereal, crackers, chips, or peanut butter.
  • Portion out snacks instead of eating them directly from the large package or purchase 100-calorie snack packages and limit to one per day.
  • Serve yourself on a smaller plate so the food will look “bountiful” to the brain. We typically register food amounts more strongly with our eyes, not our stomachs.

Ways to find calories in food include:

  • Lists of calories in common foods
  • Nutrition Facts labels
  • Online tools
  • Smart phone or computer apps

Food labels break down the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals per serving of the food.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: Today, we are going to take a closer look at a concept called “calorie density”. This is a very important concept for success in weight management. We know that weight management is all about managing calories, but there’s a problem. We eat until we feel full, then we stop. The problem is we cannot “feel” calories. If we are not careful with our food choices, by the time we feel full, we may have eaten hundreds of calories! That’s why counting calories or “cutting back” on food volume doesn’t always work. If you are not full, it’s hard to stay on track.

Using the concept of calorie density can help you to eat the amount of food that is personally satisfying to you and manage your calories. While we’re talking about this concept, I want you to refer to the Guide to Smart Food Choices. You have been using this fundamental since the first week of your program, so we’ll look at this quickly.

  • Foods in the “Any Time” green column have the lowest calorie density because they are full of water and fiber which makes them weigh more and help us to feel full. Calories are – 15 -25 per ounce. Notice the protein choices – when you want more than ¼ plate of protein, these choices will work for you.
  • As you move to Portion Controlled and Occasional Foods the calories go way up for equal amounts of food. 1 ounce = 1 ounce.

Take a look at the example I brought today: popcorn and chips.

What column would you find popcorn?  Green.  Popcorn is 15 calories per cup. What column would you find potato chips?  Red. Chips are 150 calories per oz. Each sample bag contains 150 calories. Which bag would be more filling to you?

In a practical way, the plate strategy is a model for using calorie density. Most lean protein and grain choices will cost 50-75 calories per ounce (big bite). If you only ate protein and grain at a meal, and you ate until you felt full, your calories would be too high. The ½ plate of veggies brings low calorie volume to the plate resulting in a lower calorie meal that will fill you up.

It’s important to know that we are each different in our volume needs. Pay attention to yourself. If you require more volume or chewing to feel satisfied, then it is crucial that you make your choices more frequently from the “Any Time” column. If there are some foods that you have difficulty eating in small portions, you may need to restrict or eliminate that food.

Let’s mention one more thing: the buffet principle. When we’re faced with lots of food variety and quantity, the brain signal that tells us we’re full, doesn’t work as well. For example: have you ever pushed away from the table saying, “I’m so full, I can’t eat another bite.” Then someone brings out several desserts and you’re ready to eat again! The buffet principle is not limited to an actual buffet restaurant. Look at the tips to help you avoid this trap. Review the tips.

Ask: What did you hear today that would be helpful to you? How will you use this information?


As you track what and how much you are eating, begin to increase your awareness around calories by monitoring food labels.

Track your food and drink intake:


Week 5 – Activity/Movement: Ways to get more active

Skill – Understand benefits of movement and ways to track physical activity

Objective – Identify opportunities to get moving and tracking


  • Trackers

Sections to cover

  • Fundamental 3 activity/Movement
  • Strategies for activity
  • Ways to increase movement


  • The benefits of movement
  • CDC recommendations around movement

Participant Guide

We know 150 minutes each week sounds like a lot of time, but it’s not. The good news is that you can spread your activity out during the week, so you don’t have to do it all at once. For example, you could break 150 minutes of physical activity down to 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. You can even break it up into smaller chunks. Find the balance that works for you.

Physical Activity Guide


  • Just starting out. Begin with 10 minutes daily. Build toward 30–60 minutes.
  • Multiple short bouts can add up to 30-60 minutes daily.
  • Mix it up! Variety can keep you going. Walk, garden, bowl, dance, or take a class.
  • Dress for success! Proper shoes and comfortable clothes will prevent injury and fatigue.


At Home

  • Join a walking group in your neighborhood or at the mall. Recruit a buddy for support and encouragement. Push the baby in the stroller, pull toddlers in a wagon or let older children accompany you on a bike ride.
  • Walk up and down the field while watching your children play sports.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Clean the house. Wash the car. Mow the grass.
  • Walk more, drive less.
  • While watching TV, walk in place, get on a piece of exercise equipment or do stretches.
  • Plant and care for a vegetable or flower garden.
  • Play with your children. Shoot hoops, dance, play hide and seek.
  • Exercise in your living room using a DVD or find a fitness channel on TV.

At Work

  • Park 5-10 minutes away.
  • Replace a coffee break with a walk break. Ask a co-worker to go with you.
  • Join an onsite or nearby gym. Don’t forget to bring your workout clothes with you.
  • Look for worksite wellness-sponsored activities.

At Play

  • Walk, jog, skate, cycle, dance, bowl.
  • Swim or try water aerobics.
  • Take a class in martial arts, dance or yoga.
  • Play golf. Pull the cart or carry your clubs.
  • Canoe, row, or kayak.
  • Play tennis or racket ball.
  • Play basketball, softball, soccer, or volleyball.
  • Take a nature walk.

You could track

  • Calories burned
  • Distance 
  • Number of steps
  • Speed 
  • Weight lifted; Time active

Ways to measure include

  • Clock or watch 
  • Fitness tracker 
  • Pedometer 
  • Smart phone or computer apps 

Ways to record include

  • Fitness tracker 
  • Smart phone or computer apps 
  • Spiral notebook 
  • Spreadsheet 
  • Voice recording 


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

 Notes: The best activity for weight loss is one that involves moving your entire body like walking, running, dancing, or cardio equipment because these burn more calories per minute. Working with weights or toning exercises should not be your primary form of physical activity. Instead, do these as extras.

Strategies (consider the fitness expert to deliver this part – watch the time!)

  • If just starting out, begin with a minimum goal of at least 10 minutes. Build towards 30-60 minutes daily.
  • Put together multiple short bouts to add up to 30-60 minutes per day.
  • Commit to no “zero days”.
  • Ideas on page ______ for variety at home, work, and recreation
  • Dress appropriately – proper shoes and breathable clothing will prevent injury and early fatigue.


 In addition to tracking what you eat, begin to track your activity.

Set a goal for the week to try out a new activity/movement. For example, take the stairs instead of the elevator. No matter what activity you choose, track your movement:

Calories vs Activity

Week 6 – Balancing Act (Calories vs activity)

Skill – Physical activity and calorie maintenance

Objective – Set a goal for weekly activity and understand how to burn more calories


  • Trackers

 Sections to cover:

  • Weight loss target


 Participant Guide

Losing weight and maintaining a lower body weight are about balance. Body weight goes up or down depending on your diet and exercise habits. The relationship of diet and exercise to weight can be explained using the calorie balancing equation.

Calories In (food) – Calories Out (Physical Activity) = Maintenance Calories

 Know Your Maintenance Calories

Maintenance calories are simply the number of calories you require to maintain your current weight or your goal weight.

Women Body weight x 10 calories per pound

Men Body weight x 11 calories per pound

Note: the smaller your body weight, the lower the calories it takes to maintain your weight. To keep weight off, you will need to learn to live at a lower calorie level for the rest of your life.

200 lbs. x 10 calories /lb. = 2000 calories

150 lbs. x 10 calories/lb. = 1500 calories

120 lbs. x 10 calories /lb. = 1200 calories

 Weight Loss Target

Choose a calorie target at least 500 calories below your current maintenance calories, but not lower than 1200 calories. Adding physical activity lowers your calories. Counting calories takes lots of skill and most people are not accurate. It’s easier to use the fundamentals to lower calories. If you are not losing weight, your calories are too high, and you need to do more of the fundamentals. This table is a guide for calorie plans.

*If you do not use dairy, you may increase lean protein by two ounces. You may want to consider taking a calcium supplement. Talk to your healthcare provider about what is right for you.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: Participants are halfway through the class. Have them reflect on their journey so far.


Set a calorie target as you continue to monitor and be aware of what you are consuming daily.  Keep track of the amount of physical activity in the mobile app. Make sure you are maintaining a balance.

Maximize Success

Week 7 – Maximize success- Plan to use all the fundamentals daily

Skill – Ability to adjust in your routine based on your progress

Objective – Use personal tracking information or journals to meet goals


  • Trackers

 Sections to cover

 Participant Guide

 Higher fundamentals = lower calories = lower weight

It may not always be easy to practice the fundamentals consistently, but it is important to assist you in creating a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


  • Take time to reflect on your daily choices. Writing a plan is an opportunity to problem-solve or help overcome any obstacles.

Smart Food Choices

  • Keep tracking so that you are accountable for your choices.
  • Revisit the Smart Food Guide. Is there an opportunity to increase “green “foods and decrease “red” foods?


  • Are you ready to build on your progress?
  • If you are walking daily, are you ready for a new challenge?
  • How about intensifying your activity with a little strength training?
  • Find something you enjoy bumping it up notch!

As you review these fundamentals, let the relationship between your weight and the level of fundamentals you are accomplishing guide you in determining your next steps.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

 Notes: Sometimes, the process of change can generate some negative emotion like frustration or anxiety. It’s easy to get side-tracked by emotion (which creates even more emotion). Having records can help you focus on the actual behaviors that will create success and this helps diminish anxiety and frustration.


Revisit the fundamentals and tracking. What has been your biggest challenge so far? Cultural connections? Comfort foods? Finance? Awareness? Food choices? Activity/Movement? Track your movement:

Stress, Sleep, Emotional Eating

Week 8 – Managing stress/sleep/emotional eating

Skill – Recognizing triggers for emotional overeating and developing replacements

Objective – Understand the importance of sleep and rest in managing emotions


  • Trackers

 Sections to cover

  • Recognize your triggers
  • How does Sleep affect weight


  • Tips for working with emotional eating
  • Tips for a better night’s sleep

 Participant Guide

 Recognize your triggers

Common triggers for emotional eating are stress, frustration, anger, boredom, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and worry. In the big picture of weight management, whether we eat in response to hunger or emotion, success remains a calorie task. If emotional eating is not compromising your calorie management, you have nothing to fix. But, if emotional eating is creating a calorie problem, it may be helpful to recognize your triggers to develop a replacement tool that will support lower calories.

 Tips for working with emotional eating

  • Listen to yourself. If you find yourself saying, “My problem is, I eat when I’m ______________________________” Make a list of alternate activities or low-calorie foods that would provide an emotional release.
  • When you eat, focus on your food. Try not to be distracted by the TV, phone or a computer while eating. Make a point to savor each bite.
  • Physical activity is a powerful tool for releasing physical tension, reducing anxiety, producing calming brain chemicals, and providing a “time-out.” A 10-minute bout of physical activity, whether it be high intensity or slow mindful exercise, reduces depression and anxiety. Regular physical activity helps you feel more confident and comfortable with your body. The combination of these benefits reduces food cravings and makes you less likely to use food as a coping mechanism.
  • Change WHAT you eat. Get full on low-calorie foods like huge salads, raw vegetables, fruit, popcorn, sugar-free popsicles, gum, or gelatin.
  • Change your environment. Step out for some fresh air. Go for a short walk or sit in the sunshine.
  • Practice relaxation breathing. Close your eyes, imagine you are in a favorite place and slowly inhale and exhale for a few minutes. Repeat often throughout the day.
  • Create a list of non-food distractions such as crafts, word puzzles, gardening, physical activity, phone a friend or reading.
  • Start a gratitude journal to record how you’re feeling and what you are grateful for each day.
  • If you experience ongoing feelings of depression, seek the advice of your physician. Explore available benefits within your Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

How does Sleep affect weight

In adults, sleeping four hours a night, compared with 10 hours a night, appears to increase hunger and appetite — for calorie-dense foods high in carbohydrates. Observational studies also suggest a link between sleep restriction and obesity.

Tips for a better night’s sleep

  • Be consistent. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time each morning, including on the weekends.
  • Make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable.
  • Remove electronic devices, such as TVs, computers, and smartphones, from the bedroom.
  • Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.
  • Get some exercise. Being physically active during the day can help you fall asleep more easily at night.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: May ask participants to bring in some of their favorite menus for next week’s session.


Make one behavior change around emotional eating or getting a better night’s sleep and track it.


Dining Out, Social Events, Holidays

Week 9 – Dining out, social event and holidays

Skill – Planning ahead to support success through special occasions. Practice the fundamentals, no matter what. Be sure to plan!

Objective – Understand the benefits of planning ahead


  • Trackers

 Sections to cover

  • Dining Out
  • Social Events


  • SMART Goal Journal

Participant Guide

Dining Out

Dining out, for pleasure or convenience, can be a huge challenge to calorie balancing. The most important strategy is to meet your daily goals, no matter what, using all the fundamentals. Here are some tips:

Plan. Read the menu before you go and narrow your choices. You are much more likely to make healthier choices if you are prepared.

Manage hunger. Eat a piece of fruit or some raw veggies before you go. A small snack can prevent excessive hunger that leads to overeating.

Skip the complimentary starters. Ask that the bread, chips, or similar items not be brought out while you are waiting for your meal to arrive. Do ask for a calorie-free beverage as soon as possible.

Ask lots of questions when ordering. Ask how the food is prepared so you can request a modification, if necessary. Ask about the sides. Choose baked or grilled fish, order sauces and salad dressing on the side. Skip high-fat condiments like butter, olive oil, mayonnaise, and cheese. Exchange the fries for a steamed veggie or a salad.

  • Build a meal from vegetable sides like a baked potato, salad, and water-based soup.
  • Ask to box half of your entrée before it gets to the table or split an entrée with your meal companion. Restaurants often serve two to three times what is considered a standard serving.
  • Start with a veggie salad. Ask for double or triple vegetables with your entrée. Veggies help fill you up, without adding extra calories.
  • Skip the fancy drinks. Start with water and start sipping. Water can slow you down and help you feel full sooner. If you are ordering an alcoholic drink, choose light beer, wine, or liquor mixed with tonic water or diet soda. Skip the margaritas, daiquiris, or other exotic cocktails. These are loaded with sugar and calories.
  • Choose a restaurant, including fast food, where you can get what you need: lean protein and lots of vegetable choices.

Social Events

Social events and holidays can pack on the calories in a short time. Most of us think about the holidays as that period between Halloween and New Year’s Day, but each month seems to present a holiday. Here are more ideas on planning ahead.

  • Plan, plan, plan. Write a plan – don’t just plan in your head. This is a serious step for success.
  • Avoid the temptation of not eating all day for the purpose of saving calories for a social event. Instead, prior to a social event, keep calories low and manage hunger by eating only veggies & fruit. Accomplish your physical activity goal. This will give you a larger calorie budget for a restaurant meal or social event.
  • When serving your plate, use the MyPlate strategy. Serve half your plate with veggies first.
  • Always keep a calorie-free beverage in your hand. Position yourself away from the food table and concentrate on socializing.
  • Limit your event to one day. Minimize leftovers. Get back to your routine as quickly as possible.
  • Self-monitor your weight every day. If morning weight goes up, drink lots of water to flush out fluid retention due to higher sodium foods or alcohol.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. A 12-ounce bottle of beer has around 150 calories, and four ounces of wine has approximately 100 calories. Those empty calories can add up fast.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: Consider bringing in some menus and review choices with participants during this session.


Identify 3 strategies for planning ahead and write them down in the SMART Goal Journal


Week 10 – Motivation

Skill – Embrace the process of change.

Objective – Self-Efficacy/Self-Compassion


  • Trackers

 Participant Guide

 Motivation – It’s “why” we do something. Motivation helps to guide and maintain behavior change.

Successful People

  • Have a strong vision of what makes you happy
  • Identified values and goals
  • Enlist a support group of family and /or friends
  • Have established accountability
  • Refer to the fundamentals to solve problems
  • Reward yourself for the progress you have made


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal

Notes: Go back to the Circle of Life and reflect on the influence healthy habits have had on the participants.


Identify your progress – big or small. Write down how you rewarded yourself for the progress you’ve made.

Health Management

Week 11- Health Management

Skill – Practicing the fundamentals as lifetime tools for managing weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and insulin resistance.

Objective – Know your numbers and how to manage them


  • Trackers

Sections to cover

  • Health Markers


 Participant Guide

Weight loss can have many benefits, including lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars. In addition, weight loss can improve energy levels, physical mobility, general mood, and self-confidence. You are on the right path to potential life changing behaviors and outcomes!

The Fundamentals are High-Impact Lifestyle Behaviors

Additional Healthy Behaviors

  • Limit alcohol to 1-2 drinks per day, and don’t drink and drive.
  • Avoid tobacco and side-stream smoke.
  • Always buckle your seatbelt.
  • Complete an annual physical or wellness exam to know your numbers! Have regular cancer screenings as recommended by your doctor.
  • Limit sun exposure and use sunscreen.


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal


Schedule your annual visit with your primary care physician and become familiar with your numbers.

What's Next

Week 12 – Congratulations on your progress! What’s next?

Skill – Practice ongoing accountability to the fundamentals.

Objective – Set a plan for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


  • Trackers

Participant Guide

The goal for Go Healthy is to lose at least 5% of your program start weight. Review your progress over the last 12 weeks. Now, it’s time to determine your next step.

If you would like to lose more weight…

Consider consulting with a personal health coach and continuing to be mindful in making healthy choices daily and setting small, attainable goals.

If you are ready to maintain your current weight…

  • Continue to practice the fundamentals. To keep weight off, you must maintain healthy behaviors. The fundamentals will continue to be your core plan.
  • It is extremely important to continue monitoring your body weight on a scale.
  • Continually review your motivators to help you stay focused.

Beware of the feeling of wanting to “take a little break.”

If you revert to old behaviors, you will soon be back to your higher weight. 


  • Review weekly assignment
  • Make sure each participant has set a goal


Congratulations! Best of luck on maintaining your weight and continuing a healthy lifestyle.

Participant's Guide

Meet Our Trainers

Our Go Healthy trainers are Board Certified Health & Wellness Coaches

and are here to help get your started and support you along the way. Let's make your program a success!

Gwen Bowie, NBC-HWC


Gwen has over 35 years experience in coaching and partnering with people to develop healthy habits. She has launched hypertension and DPP programs in the community. Her energy and love for physical activity motivated her to become a certified exercise instructor and personal trainer. She holds certification from Duke as a Certified Integrated Health Coach and is a Board Certified National Health and Wellness Coach.

Lisa Split-log, NBC-HWC


From mountain climbing to jogging five miles every morning to practicing mindfulness daily, Lisa is committed to health and wellbeing. After obtaining her Paralegal Certification from Louisiana State University and becoming a Louisiana Notary Public, she turned her passion into a career. Lisa is now a Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach who has the skills and experience to inspire healthier lifestyles.


  • I can eat as many of the green foods as I like, so now my husband, who is retired and does all the cooking, is making more of that for us. And he likes it, too!

    Debra Smith
    Lost 20 pounds with Go Healthy
  • I really enjoyed it as you can tell. I lost my goal weight and am very close to my second goal! The class reinforces what most folks know, but the reinforcement is Gold! A bit of accountability, a bit of a ‘competition’ to make goals, some great reminders and new info about the value of fruit, veggies, water. Filling up on those is just plain good for you! And putting eating in a less emotional place is a great message too.  

    Go Healthy Participant
  • I use every bit of what I learn in Go Healthy – and yes, even though I’ve been more than once, I STILL learn something each time and even the things I hear again are helping create my habits of thinking. Thank you!  

    Go Healthy Participant
  • The goal set by the class was for us to each lose 5 percent of our weight, which for me was 11 pounds. I lost 22 pounds,” he said. “I became more aware of my diet, I started reading labels, I walked in the evenings, I used the stairs instead of the elevator, and I did my best to eat five fruits and vegetables each day.

    Gregg Fitzgerald
    Go Healthy Participant
  • Great program! Kimberley was awesome! I was honestly surprised at how successful I was at losing over 10 pounds by following the recommendation and tracking my weekly progress.

    Go Healthy Participant
  • These sessions provided more information than I had ever before received. Thank you for offering me a thorough education on exercise and nutrition as well as links/outside resources for my benefit!

    Go Healthy Participant
  • Very supportive, encouraging, and upbeat. I love the Go Healthy Program. These are great for coaching, education, providing us with the resources and tools to be successful. 

    Go Healthy Participant

Your privacy is important to us. All personal health information received through this program is stored and managed in a safe, secure and confidential manner. Your employer will not have access to any of your medical records.