Eligibility File Layout
Manual Upload

File type

  • Pipe delimited text file: Each column is delimited with a pipe character

File naming

  • Please name the file EligFile_CompanyID_MMDDYYYY.txt (where MMDDYYYY is the date the file was created)
  • inHealth will provide a Company ID for each client

File frequency and transmission

  • Frequency
    • Minimum – monthly
    • Best Practice – every other week
    • Maximum – weekly
  • Transmission options
    • Client HR and/or IT will provide inHealth the eligibility file.
    • inHealth will load the initial eligibility file into the inHealth well-being admin portal.
    • Client may create an eligibility file automatically and place on Client’s designated FTP server. Client may provide credentials to the client’s FTP server to pick up the eligibility file. 

File layout

  • Please do not include a header row
  • A summary of fields in the file layout is referenced below

Eligibility File Layout

Custom Fields: Custom 1-5 columns can be left off the file completely if not using custom fields.


  • inHealth will provide a Company ID for each group
  • inHealth will match on Company ID, date of birth, and last 6 of social
  • HR or Payroll ID will be used to link to client’s payroll system as needed for incentive purposes

Please follow the below process to manually grant access a user. NOTE: If the user isn’t added to the next full eligibility file their account will be disabled when it is processed.

1. Navigate to Eligibility Manual Upload on the left hand menu of the Admin Portal.

2. Choose the Company from the dropdown menu.

3. Enter all information per on-screen instructions. Ensure the date of birth and last 6 digits of the Social Security Number are accurate.

4. Click Add