Program Year 7: July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
What is BestHealth?
BestHealth is a comprehensive, voluntary health and wellbeing program provided by the Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation (BMHCC) to give you the tools and support you need to live your healthiest life.
What services does BestHealth offer?
Who is eligible to participate in the services BestHealth offers? A check mark indicates who is eligible to participate in each service offered.
How do I become a member of BestHealth?
To become a member of BestHealth, you must first be eligible to participate. Eligibility requires that you are currently enrolled in the BMHCC health insurance plan; specifically enrolled in medical coverage. Once eligible, you will need to create an online account and complete an online health risk assessment questionnaire with inHealth Wellbeing.
To create an online account with inHealth Wellbeing:
What if I am unable to participate in BestHealth due to a limitation or disability?
If you are unable to take part in a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and tobacco test with a Primary Care Provider or any health-related programs or classes, you may be entitled to reasonable accommodations or an alternative standard by emailing BestHealth at or calling 901-227-2378 (BEST).
What is a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and what does it measure?
A BestHealth-approved biometric screening is a series of health tests performed by a Primary Care Provider to offer insight into your overall health. A BestHealth-approved biometric screening includes measurements of height, weight, waist circumference, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and a tobacco or Cotinine test (a biomarker for exposure to tobacco).
Who is eligible to have a BestHealth-approved biometric screening completed by a Primary Care Provider?
Any employee and spouse enrolled on the BMHCC health insurance plan, specifically enrolled in medical coverage. Blue Cross Blue Shield pays for a wellness visit and biometric screening each calendar year. You do not have to wait 365 days from the last visit.
As an employee enrolled in the BMHCC health insurance plan, specifically enrolled in medical coverage, am I required to be a member of BestHealth and complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and tobacco test between the months of July 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024?
If you would like to avoid paying an $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year, you are required to be a member of BestHealth, complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening, health risk assessment questionnaire, and test negative for tobacco between the months of July 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024. In addition, this screening gives you the opportunity to earn up to $300 in Wellbeing rewards.
If I am a new employee and have enrolled in the BMHCC health insurance plan, specifically enrolled in medical coverage, when am I required to complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and test negative for tobacco to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year?
New employees hired before October 1, 2024 must become a member of BestHealth, complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and test negative for tobacco between the months of July 1, 2024 and November 15, 2024 to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year.
New employees hired on or after October 1, 2024 will not have to pay the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year. If desired, you can become a member of BestHealth and complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening, with no tobacco test required, effective January 1, 2025 until June 30, 2025 for the opportunity to earn up to $300 in Wellbeing rewards.
From July 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024, can I complete a tobacco or Cotinine test only and not complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year?
No. A tobacco or cotinine test only (a biomarker for exposure to tobacco) will NOT be accepted. You must complete a tobacco or cotinine test and test negative, in addition to completing a BestHealth-approved biometric screening, to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year.
If my spouse is enrolled in the BMHCC health insurance plan, specifically enrolled in medical coverage, is he or she required to be a member of BestHealth and complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and tobacco test between the months of July 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024?
No. A spouse is not required to complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening or complete a tobacco test; therefore, the spouse will not be charged a $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year.
How do I schedule a BestHealth-approved biometric screening with a Primary Care Provider?
Can I have my annual wellness exam at the same time as my BestHealth-approved biometric screening?
Yes. When scheduling your appointment, inform them that you would like to have both your annual wellness exam and BestHealth-approved biometric screening performed all in one visit. You receive one FREE annual wellness exam once per calendar year, which is January 1 – December 31.
Does Baptist pay for the BestHealth-approved biometric screening for me and my spouse?
Yes, Baptist will only pay for an employee’s biometric screening. Any additional testing your provider recommends is your financial responsibility. However, employees and spouses have 1 free annual wellness visit per calendar year.
Does Baptist allow me to “be on the time clock” when I go for my BestHealth-approved biometric screening appointment?
No. This appointment is on your own time.
What must I and/or my spouse complete before going to the BestHealth-approved biometric screening?
What are the pre-screening instructions before going to my BestHealth-approved biometric screening?
During my BestHealth-approved biometric screening, can I have the Primary Care Provider use my previous blood work?
Yes, but only if the blood work was taken within the last 180 days. The blood work includes blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. The cotinine test must be performed each program year.
How will I know if my BestHealth-approved biometric screening results have been submitted or faxed to BestHealth?
How can I view the results of my completed BestHealth-approved biometric screening?
Login to your inHealth Wellbeing account through the inHealth Wellbeing mobile app or web portal at Click on Screening Results on the menu. You will then be able to view a side-by-side comparison of your most recent screening results to your initial screening results.
What does BestHealth do with the information from my health risk assessment questionnaire and my biometric screening information?
This information is used to provide you with the information to help you understand your current health and potential health risks and used to offer you wellbeing services such as wellbeing programs and classes and 1-on-1 health coaching.
What are the Wellbeing rewards?
BestHealth is committed to a culture of support and partnership in providing a holistic wellbeing program. We offer a personalized approach to support you in improving your emotional health, physical health, and spiritual health.
As a member of BestHealth, you can earn up to $300 in Wellbeing rewards each program year through a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and annual wellness exam with a Primary Care Provider. The program year is July 1st – June 30th.
How do I see if I earned any Wellbeing rewards from my BestHealth-approved biometric screening?
Login to your inHealth Wellbeing account through the inHealth Wellbeing mobile app or web portal at Click on Rewards on the menu. If there is a green checkmark beside the reward(s), you have earned the reward(s).
When will the Wellbeing rewards be available to be redeemed?
After October 15, 2024, and two weeks after your BestHealth-approved biometric screening results have been received and submitted by BestHealth.
Will I receive an email notifying me that my Wellbeing rewards are available to be redeemed?
Yes. You will receive an email notifying you that your Wellbeing rewards are available to be redeemed.
How do I redeem my Wellbeing rewards once they are available to be redeemed?
If I did not earn Wellbeing rewards for Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, and/or blood glucose during my BestHealth-approved biometric screening, do I have an opportunity to earn these rewards by the end of the program year of July 1st – June 30th?
Yes, and you have several options.
If I am still an employee but no longer enrolled in the medical coverage of the BMHCC health insurance plan, can I still redeem any of my unredeemed Wellbeing rewards?
No. You must be currently enrolled in the medical coverage of the BMHCC health insurance plan.
If I am no longer employed at Baptist, can I still redeem any of my unredeemed Wellbeing rewards?
No. You must be currently employed at Baptist.
What programs are offered for employees who are currently pregnant or are 6 months postpartum during the biometric screening period to earn BMI?
To support a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period and earn the BMI incentive, please contact BESTHealth at or call 901-227-2378 (BEST) to talk with a wellbeing specialist. BestHealth has a number of resources and supports to offer to expecting and new moms, including Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby, and Go Healthy: Mind + Body.
Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby | Maternity care education and support helps expectant mothers navigate pregnancy and postpartum health, ensuring a smooth transition to parenthood and return back to work. This eight-week program is designed to provide participants with the tools and resources to have a happy, safe pregnancy. Topics include Nutrition and Fitness, Trimester Expectations, Preparing for Childbirth, Taking Care of Baby, Working Mom, The Fourth Trimester (Postpartum), and Budgeting for a Baby. Successful program completion aims to offer participants extra support, information, and resources during this special time.
Healthy Mom, Health Baby Eligibility: If you are pregnant or less than 6 months postpartum, you can participate in the Healthy Mom, Healthy Baby program.
Go Healthy: Mind+Body | Experience the transformative power of Go Healthy: Mind+Body program! After mastering your nutritional habits and physical activities with Go Healthy and Go Healthy Plus, it’s time to enrich your journey towards complete wellbeing. This dynamic 10-week program propels you beyond weight management, immersing you in mindful reflections and engaging exercises designed to boost your emotional health. Dive in and discover a holistic approach to maintaining emotional stability and living a healthier life. Successful program completion aims to improve perceived stress and overall emotional health.
Go Healthy: Mind+Body Eligibility: You must have completed Go Healthy Plus within the last 12 months to participate in the Go Healthy: Mind+Body program. For moms, you must also be at least 6 months postpartum.
How do I avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year?
All employees enrolled in the medical coverage of the BMHCC health insurance plan (primary insurance holder only; not a spouse) are required to become a member of BestHealth, complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening and test negative for tobacco with a Primary Care Provider between the months July 1, 2024 and November 15, 2024 to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year.
From July 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024, can I complete a tobacco or Cotinine test only and not complete a BestHealth-approved biometric screening to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year?
No. A tobacco or cotinine test only (a biomarker for exposure to tobacco) will NOT be accepted. You must complete a tobacco or cotinine test and test negative, in addition to completing a BestHealth-approved biometric screening, to avoid paying the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year.
How can I see if I have tested positive or negative for tobacco during my BestHealth-approved biometric screening?
Login to the inHealth Wellbeing mobile app or web portal at and click on Rewards on the menu. A green check mark next to Tobacco Free indicates that you will NOT have to pay the $100/month tobacco surcharge for the 2025 benefits year. You can also email BestHealth at or call 901-227-2378 (BEST).
If I test positive or self-attest to tobacco use during my BestHealth-approved biometric screening between the months of July 1, 2024 – November 15, 2024, do I have an opportunity to have the $100/month tobacco surcharge removed from my paycheck during the entire 2025 benefits year?
Yes. By enrolling in and completing the 5-week BestHealth Tobacco Cessation Program between the months of July – November 2024. For program details, email BestHealth at or call 901-227-2378 (BEST).
If I miss the opportunity to enroll in and complete the 5-week BestHealth Tobacco Cessation Program between the months of July 2024 – November 2024, will there be more 5-week BestHealth Tobacco Cessation Programs offered for the opportunity to have the $100/month tobacco surcharge removed from my paycheck from the remainder of the 2025 benefits year?
Yes. BestHealth will offer more 5-week Tobacco Cessation Programs between the months of January 2025 – March 2025. Once the program is completed, the $100/month tobacco surcharge will be removed from the remainder of the 2025 benefits year, however, no refunds will be given.
What is the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program?
The BestHealth Diabetes Management Program will help you take an active role in managing your diabetes by working with our wellbeing specialists and care coordinators on your personalized care plan. Our approach focuses on improving your overall health and wellbeing while helping you learn how to manage your diabetes better. BestHealth wellbeing specialists and care coordinators, in partnership with your healthcare provider, will aid you in setting and achieving goals. Participants meeting all requirements of the program receive 100% coverage of approved medications and supplies, including medically necessary needles, syringes, lancets, test strips, and glucometers to treat diabetes.
Who is eligible to participate in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program?
All BMHCC Employee Health Plan enrolled employees, spouses, and dependents with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, insulin resistance, or prediabetes who have completed a BestHealth Health Risk Assessment (HRA) and Biometric Screening within the current program year are eligible to enroll in the program.
What is the benefit of participating in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program?
Participants enrolled in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program will receive 100% coverage of approved diabetic medications and supplies, including medically necessary needles, syringes, lancets, test strips, and glucometers.
Health Coaching: Enrolled participants will be assigned a wellbeing specialist or care coordinator to assist with improved management of their disease and overall wellbeing. Wellbeing specialists or care coordinators will work with enrolled participants by phone, email, or in-person to establish personalized diabetes and health management goals and monitor results.
How do I enroll in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program?
Upon receipt of a completed Enrollment Form, a BestHealth representative will contact you to complete the enrollment process.
To enroll in the program, complete the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program Enrollment Packet and submit to BestHealth via email ( or fax (901) 227-2377. The provider verification of diagnosis form must be faxed by your provider.
Once I complete the enrollment process, when will my $0 copays take effect?
After completing all the required steps of the enrollment process, your benefit will go into effect on the 1st of the following month if you have had your initial session with your Wellbeing Specialist or Care Coordinator by the 25th of the month prior. For example, if you finish the enrollment process on September 14th, your benefit will go live on October 1st.
I have not completed a BestHealth HRA and Biometric Screening. Can I still participate in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program?
The BestHealth HRA and Biometric Screening must be completed during the current BestHealth program year to be eligible for the program. If you have not done so, call BestHealth at (901) 227-2378 for more information on how you can complete the BestHealth HRA and Biometric Screening and enroll in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program.
What are the requirements to remain enrolled in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program and maintain the pharmacy benefit?
In order to remain enrolled in the program and maintain the pharmacy benefit participants must meet the following minimum requirements.
Pharmacist will review the current medication regime and discuss any recommended changes with the member and/or provider.
Meet with a BestHealth wellbeing specialist or care coordinator a minimum of every 3 months via in-person visit or telephone. Wellbeing specialists, care coordinators and/or medical provider will determine the required contact frequency using clinical judgement based on the severity and individual needs of the participant.
*Anyone with an A1c of 8 or above must complete the Diabetes Educational modules annually.
How do I access the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program pharmacy benefit?
Once enrolled in the program, participants must present a prescription to purchase diabetes medications and supplies at a designated BMHCC pharmacy or BMHCC mail order.
What medications and supplies are covered at no cost to enrolled participants?
Provider-prescribed medications and supplies, including medically necessary needles, syringes, lancets, test strips, and glucometers to treat diabetes, that are included on the BMHCC Employee Health Plan Formulary will be covered at no cost to enrolled participants.
Members must present a prescription to purchase diabetic medications and supplies at no cost. Participants must use a designated BMHCC pharmacy unless the participant’s home address is within the state of Arkansas.
What happens if I am not compliant with the requirements of the program?
Enrollment in the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program benefit will cease on the date wellbeing specialists or care coordinator determines that the participant is no longer compliant with the requirements of the program. At that time, all prescriptions for diabetes supplies and medications will be subject to standard copays and deductibles of the pharmacy plan elected during BMHCC Health Plan enrollment.
Disenrolled participants continue to be eligible to participate in BestHealth health coaching, care management, and wellbeing programming.
Can I re-enroll in the program once I have been disenrolled?
Participants who have been disenrolled from the BestHealth Diabetes Management Program are not eligible for the BESTHealth Diabetes Management Program pharmacy benefit until the start of the next benefit plan year.
Whom should I contact with questions?
For questions regarding the Diabetes Management Wellbeing program, you can email
What phone number can I call for further assistance?
(901) 227-2378
What is the BestHealth Care Coordination program?
Baptist Memorial Health Care highly values the health and well-being of our employees. Through the BestHealth employee Care Coordination program, employees and spouses on the health care plan can receive additional care coordination support from a registered nurse at no additional cost to you. These nurse care managers provide health promotion and guidance to appropriate care options, lessening the money you will spend on healthcare and improving the quality of care you receive.
What does a BestHealth nurse care coordinator do?
A BestHealth nurse care coordinator provides seamless management of care for all levels of healthcare- preventative, primary, and specialty care. These nursing care coordinators work to keep your doctor informed, help you create a well-being vision, create meaningful and personalized health goals, and provide you with additional educational resources and materials. Our goal is to give you tools and information to empower you to choose how you independently manage your health and well-being through disease prevention and management of long-term medical conditions.
What is involved in the BestHealth Care Coordination program?
Typically, you engage with the nurse telephonically for 30-60 minutes once or twice a month, where you will work together on two or three meaningful goals individual to your specific health needs. For example, some patients want help understanding or affording their medications, finding providers and community services, or working on lifestyle changes like diet, increasing activity, or quitting smoking.
Is the BestHealth Care Coordination program confidential?
Your personal health information is protected under HIPAA and is only available to nurse care coordinators and your care team. The nurse care coordinator will never share your protected health information without your expressed permission with those outside of your care team. Electronic communication is utilized with written consent. We utilize HIPAA guidelines when communicating with practices and providers.
What are the benefits of working with a BestHealth Nurse Care Coordinator?
A Nurse care coordinator is a personalized extension of your care team, acting as a guide and an advocate to help keep you healthy and make life easier.
The nurse can manage care for things such as:
You automatically have access to Nurse Care Coordinator outreach as part of the Baptist health plan.
Contact BestHealth to enroll today – call (901) 227-2378 (BEST)
Achieve Your BEST Health!
Take small steps toward reviving your overall wellbeing! Our programs will help identify personal challenges, set goals, and encourage healthier lifestyle behaviors.
Wellbeing specialists and care coordinators are ready to support your wellbeing journey!
To learn more about the BestHealth Wellbeing Program and how you can earn exciting rewards on your journey to better health view our program page: