

This dimension of wellbeing encompasses the ability to manage emotions, cope with stress, and maintain a positive outlook. It includes self-esteem, resilience, and the capacity to experience and express emotions appropriately. It also includes aspects of mental wellbeing, including cognitive functioning, mental health, and intellectual growth.

Overwhelmed? Transform your thinking!

Do you ever feel like you need superpowers to accomplish all your tasks and goals? Give yourself a break and stop setting the bar so high. Take it day by day! Accept that you are only human, and your best is good enough. Remember these tips when you start to feel overwhelmed: Acknowledge your strengths...

Managing Stress on a Busy Schedule

Sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day. Juggling several tasks can burn you out, leaving no room to focus on your wellbeing. Be kind to yourself and take moments to destress and reboot your brain. Here are five healthy techniques to help reduce stress during your busy day. Take a break from the stressor. It...

Men and Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the U.S. While both men and women suffer from depression, their willingness to talk about their feelings may be very different. Research shows that men are less likely than women to recognize, talk about, and seek treatment for depression. More than 6 million men in...

The Ties That Bind

Research shows that maintaining strong social bonds increases life expectancy by reducing health risks throughout a person’s life. Having a social network of supportive relationships also contributes to psychological well-being. Here’s how you can benefit from these relationships: Sense of belonging. Spending time with people helps ward off loneliness. Whether it’s other new parents, dog lovers, fishing buddies or siblings,...

Surviving on a Modest Income

There’s no denying the importance of the almighty dollar. We all need money to provide food, shelter, transportation, and clothing – life’s basic necessities. Did you know that our well-being suffers when we don’t have enough cash to cover these essentials? While money is not necessarily the path to happiness, low income is associated with low emotional well-being according to the...

Healthy Happy Hour

The social aspect of happy hour can be relaxing after a long day or at the end of a hectic week. But the calories in those spiritous cocktails can add up, leaving you with a feeling of defeat. Get a handle on happy hour and your waistline by choosing healthier habits. Choose your drink wisely!...

Four Reasons You Should Take a Break to Meditate

Are you feeling stressed, overworked and overwhelmed? Even in the best work environments, many of us are looking for ways to reduce stress and increase productivity. Mindful meditation is scientifically proven to help you achieve emotional calmness, improve mental concentration and restore overall health and wellness. When your day is full of back-to-back meetings and...